12 October 2006

housekeeping stuff

I am excited to say that Cody's "bed" (aka the reading room couch) has found a new home with T-rev & Lindz. Yessss! (see me pumping my arm in victory?). I'm looking for a larger dining room table & once found, it will replace the too small for company table which will then become my craft table in the former "reading area". Yesssss! (more pumping action) I will actually have a little creative space for myself for the first time in, oh, 10 years. How have I survived, you ask? I don't know. I'd have to say, barely. I'm also looking for a hutch in which to organize all my crafty supplies. I can't stand disorganization. Honestly. My house may not look like I have on ounce of organization in my being, but for the last year I've had space but no organizational furniture; before we moved here it was 3 years of not enough space. Once again, I have to say I've barely survived with my sanity intact. I have not been able to be 'myself' so to speak. Soon to be remedied....

And G's painted the t.v. room a lovely shade of pale sage green w/ darker sage green trim. It's very nice & I am awash in decorating ideas to further enhance the room. Now, if only money were no issue....

Does anyone know how to install insulation? I think it would be easy; I may be mechanically minded, but I'm no Joe Pro when it comes to house repairs. I can figure it out, sure enough, but I'd just as soon have reassurance that I'm doing it correctly. It definitely would help to have some of that pink fiberglass stuff between the crawl space & the floor here.

Speaking of which, why in the world are there 4 or 5 "vent" type openings in the crawlspace? Our last house here in Denver had the same type of vents. I have never seen these on houses with basements. I can only surmise that they are some kind of necessary component to letting fresh air in, but why are they necessary? They let in COLD air from outdoors. And alot of it. All the more reason to have insulation installed.

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