10 October 2006

top prize for worst kid product ever invented

at least the worst I can think of just now: the JUICE BOX and those darn juice packets ala Capri Sun. Yeah, it's thoughtful -portable, individually sized bevvies for folks on the go. Obviously marketed to the under 10 set. It is a poor design nevertheless. Anyone under 5 cannot manipulate the product properly so that the juice flows smooothly ONLY from container through straw into mouth. It is a potential mess in every serving. Try explaining to the little kids why only the big kids can have a juice box. They're tantalizing; like the cookies in the kitchen cabinet that my 3yo has been busted climbing on the counter to retrieve. The more they're told "no", the more enticing the juice box becomes. And yes, we only buy the real 100% juice types -no colored sugar water here. So we feel like at least they're getting a fruit serving. But that gosh darned trail of juice that leads from the beginning of the toddler expedition to wherever the forgotten box has found it's final resting place irks me to no end. Hence forward, I REFUSE to buy juice boxes for my household. The Madster will find in her lunch tomorrow a thermos (remember those? Used to be you couldn't buy a lunch box without one)(wish me luck on my quest to find one) filled with her beverage of choice (well, choice between milk or juice. duh) And those brand new juice boxes on top of the fridge? Going into hiding until some REALLY special occasion like a birthday party -an outside birthday party. 'nuf said.

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